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Concord Comprehensive Transportation Plan
Concord Transportation Plan
Where do you think the issues and opportunities are in the Town of Concord?
To add your comments and ideas, select a pin from the top of the page and drag it onto the map.
The pins represent two focus areas:
Areas frequented on a daily or weekly basis
UNSAFE TRANSPORTATION CONDITION Wherever you think there is an issue (e.g., unsafe crossing, area in need of maintenance, or an intersection where traffic signal timings cause travel delay)
IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS Wherever you think there is an opportunity (e.g., a place for a bike lane, an area where parking seems underutilized, or that could benefit from more attractive design or features
You can also:
Click on the 'Activity' tab in the sidebar to view a list of comments from others and "like" or "dislike" an idea.
Click individual icons on the map to see comments in specific locations.